We have released new features to make it easier for project managers to view and download stratification outputs and metadata from SoilStack without using the SoilStack API.
When we first built SoilStack, with support from ESMC, we focused on ensuring that it was interoperable with MRV platforms. For this reason, the API was the main pathway to push area boundaries to, and pull stratification and sampling metadata from the SoilStack web app. However, engagement with diverse communities has highlighted that most carbon and soil health projects that could benefit from SoilStack’s site-selection and sampling support tools don’t have MRV platforms from which to build automated data pipelines. These communities continue to manually move data around as files. The features added allow users to manually view and download key stratification data directly from SoilStack and we plan to release a new “file upload” feature soon (see more details below) to make it easier to add area boundaries.
To view or download stratification data, navigate to the Field Show page and scroll down to stratifications and select View Details.
Coming soon, project managers will be able to upload field boundaries using common file types (ex: geojson or kml) in the “Draw Field” tab in SoilStack.
Currently, areas can be added to SoilStack using the API or by drawing the fields directly in SoilStack. However, many project managers have area boundaries available from other management platforms or tools, which they will be able to upload to SoilStack.
We want to hear from you! What roadblocks do you face when creating sampling designs for soil carbon or soil health projects? Please contact Dan at dan@our-sci.net to share your experiences so we can continue to improve the open-source SoilStack platform.
February 21, 2025