Why the change?
We’ve improved the CSV headers to provide more context, making it easier to understand your data upon download.
What’s new?
Now, the top three rows of a CSV exported from SurveyStack will automatically include the Label, Hint, and Value (data name) exactly as they appear in the SurveyStack survey, offering a more human-readable format for both the questions and their corresponding data.
Figure 1: Screenshot of the SurveyStack builder. Highlighted within the green box shows the Label, Value, and Hint fields.
Figure 2: Screenshot of the CSV export from the survey in Figure 1. The green box highlights the Label, Hint, and Value fields displaying as headers in the first three rows.
To convert the CSV file into a machine-readable format, delete the first four rows.
Future updates:
Not every survey designer uses all fields, making some elements unnecessary to display in the CSV. To address this, we aim to give users the option to customize which elements—Label, Value, or Hint—are included in CSV downloads.
Figure 3: Screenshot of the Review Page.
Why the change?
Originally, all SurveyStack surveys included a review page (Figure 3) which made it easy for users to review their survey answers and navigate to questions they skipped (intentionally or otherwise). However, the review page is often unnecessary, adding an additional step before submitting a response. In a few cases, the review page has confused users, who, believing this page signified their results were already submitted, exited the survey at this point without submitting it. Most other survey platforms do not show this review page, so users are not accustomed to the review page and are unsure what to do when they reach it.
Based on feedback from many different user groups, it is clear that some users find the review page useful (often for more complex surveys) while others wish to skip it. Therefore, we decided to make the review page optional and skip it by default.
What’s new?
The review page is now hidden by default. However, if you want to display it at the end of any of your surveys, you can still enable it through the survey settings.
How to enable or disable displaying the review page:
To control displaying the review page, go to the Survey Settings section in the survey builder and look for the corresponding checkbox. If unchecked, the review page will not appear at the end of the survey.
Figure 4: Screenshot of a survey settings page. The green box shows the checkbox that allows the survey builder to hide or display the review page to users.
Note: Even with the final review page hidden, it can still be accessed through the outline button at the top of any survey page.
Figure 5: Screenshot of the Surveystack survey “outline” button.
If you have feedback or questions, please reach out to info@our-sci.net.
February 21, 2025